Journalist, Digital Content Creator, Documentarian, DEBI-P Instructional Specialist, Educator, Scholar, Researcher, Creative, Director, NIL Advisor, Motivational Speaker & Humanitarian for Social/Global/Professional & Personal Impact of Positive Inclusion & Empowerment.
Janice Marie Collins, Ph.D.
Websites of Inclusion
World Changers Media International Foundation
Teaching Without Borders with Active Centralized Empowerment
CSW MidWinter
Newsletter 2021
Selected Awards, Research, Publications & Creative Endeavors__
Active Centralized
Merging research & creative endeavors
Below, you will find examples of how my research and creative endeavors connect in empowering ways that are actively centralized
Some of the results from using A.C.E. in the classroom include the award winning website, and specialized, student produced broadcast television programs on Marginalized and controversial topics such as, the Right to Protest and Sexual Assault viewed on this YouTube Playlist. The Key to Active Centralized Empowerment is to focus on what makes you Special, unique, that you can bring into existence and focus on the SYSTEMS of OPPRESSION instead of blaming, solely, an individual. It is a Belief and Performance module that truly exercises the power, development and transformational change from Victim to Victor by De-Marginalizing oneself through Self-Empowerment. It is a way to center oneself. To be Actively Centralized is to participate, be included and Empowered. In other words, Active Centralized Empowerment allows an individual to be - who they are and want to be as well as to freely choose a specific direction that will lead to balance and fairness that is closer to their "Authentic Self." This also means that counterproductive performances such as "Bullying" is not allowed, but, is, instead, effectively addressed as I stated in "Beyond Bullying: Not Just a School Problem" on my Podcast Page. I submit that Active Centralized Empowerment assists in breaking down Systems that have so many of us enslaved. As we work together, for the common good of ALL people, successfully dismantling counterproductive/oppressive Systems that hinder us from living up to our highest potential, we can begin to build a stronger and more peaceful world where EVERYONE can flourish. "Freeing yourself was one thing, claiming ownership of that freed self was another"-Toni Morrison, Beloved. I call it the sweet spot of FREEDOM! ​​​
Teaching without Borders: Creating Equity and Inclusion through Active Centralized Empowerment provides educators with theories and conceptual tools that they can use to de-marginalize the classroom. The text introduces readers to Active Centralized Empowerment (ACE), a critical pedagogy, paradigm, and praxis that allows educators to create a classroom environment where All voices can be included and valued, and each student has an equal opportunity to excel.
To get your Copy and read Reviews visit: Cognella Publishing
Partnering Website for Book visit:
To learn more about A.C.E. Services visit ACEACTIVATED.ORG
Slavery has conditioned us ALL in America. This book introduces an empowering explanation of navigation of race for Black /African Americans and non-Black individuals with valuable insight about race relations and how to heal through understanding and empowerment. This includes understanding the construct of being White, which is not always as easily navigated as some may think. My book illustrates how we (All Races) can move toward creating an ideal world of mutual understanding, respect, and love of one another as well as compassion and empathy. A place of peace and self-empowerment - bringing us all closer to our calling and mission by developing our true, authentic, positive Self.
BestSelling Book available at . . .
Jane Elliott read my book, quoted from it, has highlights throughout, and describes it as a "Great Read," stating ...
Creative Endeavors to DeMarginalize, Educate, Empower!__
This series first ran as a Web-Series Documentary. The Gullah people and their culture continue to be marginalized. In my Independent Study class, I taught De-Marginalization by allowing the Students to assist in the editing. This hands-on process used a Pedagogical Approach (A.C.E.) to Empower the Students to Perform away from the Margins and think Critically. The re-edited program produced for broadcast television aired on PBS-WEIU, April 29th, 2015 and 2019. CNN broadcasted their own version of this unique, American story in 2019, using many of the individuals I had interviewed in 2015. You can view the hour broadcasted version as well as the online episodic version using the links below or on my YouTube channel here . The television version won Best Documentary at the Garifuna International Indigenous Film Festival.
"A Taste of Gullah"
Single Web Episodes
TV Full Version
Receiving Best Documentary Award at the Garifuna Indigenous International Film Festival, Venice, California
"Journey to My Mother's Land" Television Series
In January 2014, after discovering my DNA connection to the Mende tribe living in present day Sierra Leone, I produced a documentary series called, “Journey to My Mother’s Land: Extending the Gates' Effect into Africa,” an ethnography exploring what it means for African Americans to return to their ancestral roots and if the "knowing" of your ancestral roots makes a difference in the construction of Self. This journey was made possible by funding from a William and Flora International Research Travel Grant from the Office of International Programs and Studies and the College of Media. Watch a clip here or click on one of the links below. Audio clip below and web page of recent radio interview. View the entire 7-Part series here.
Won Best Director and Best Cinematography in 2020​
Media stories discussing my project
Selective Previews of Series
Discovery Innovation & Advocacy
My recent trip to Nigeria, Ghana, and Sierra Leone, West Africa allowed me to observe changes that have occurred in Sierra Leone 6 years after my maiden voyage and engage in missions to help improve the lives and well-being of families, communities across the diaspora and in Africa. In a technologically driven age, my research, scholarship and problem-solving approach provides creative content that reimagines the environment, nourishes the soul, and expands thinking beyond the horizon of the present. While there, I learned of important issues that need to be challenged and addressed effectively and in transformational ways. I also learned that the spirit of Africa and persevering is still much alive. Great things are happening and this set of multiple blog articles acts as a platform for voices from the margins to be heard. They are not voiceless-never have been. They have been speaking about their challenges, victories, talents, and who they are for's just that not enough people have been listening or paying attention. Many of these stories never make it to air on a consistent bases that will allow serious issues to remain in the forefront of our minds when viewing the global world. In these multimedia creative endeavors, I sought to address this omission by providing the audience a glance into their world and their stories. Want to skip right to the stories?....