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Radio & Podcasts__

Active Centralized

Active Centralized Empowerment (A.C.E.) is a groundbreaking, game-changing philosophical theory, practice, paradigm and module that has the potential to change all of America. It will change how you view yourself, consequently, how Others view and interact with you as well. 


Theoretical Tea & Company is a blog, website, radio program and podcast that discusses topics with a  focus of Critical Cultural perspectives. These platforms are places to engage in intellectual and

theoretical discourse with other colleagues, citizens, and friends in a manner appropriate for tea time.

Merging Research & Creative Endeavors

Below you will find samples of how my research and media creative endeavors connect in empowering ways that are actively centralized

 Special Edition                                                                                      Be a part of the discussion!     

Host, Dr. Janice Marie Collins on Theoretical Tea and Company-a program to enjoy discussing serious issues while having a cup of tea. Guests, Sharon Cooper-Sandy Bland's sister and Reverend Dr. Patricia Havis. A different approach to Sandra Bland's case and aftermath. Music by Dexter Britain "Losing Love," from Soundcloud Creative Commons Licensing. Enjoy!

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