Journalist, Digital Content Creator, Documentarian, DEBI-P Instructional Specialist, Educator, Scholar, Researcher, Creative, Director, NIL Advisor, Motivational Speaker & Humanitarian for Social/Global/Professional & Personal Impact of Positive Inclusion & Empowerment.

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Janice Marie Collins, Ph.D.
Websites of Inclusion
World Changers Media International Foundation
Teaching Without Borders with Active Centralized Empowerment
CSW MidWinter
Newsletter 2021
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Active Centralized
Dr. Collins is a hybrid of the 21st century when it comes to Research and Creative Endeavor. While she has the practical experience to teach skills classes and produce programs and media elements, she is also comfortable in the role of researcher and scholar. She has conducted both quantitative and qualitative research studies, singularly, as well as mixed methodology and views her role as - teaching "how to" in the classroom and investigating the "why's or why nots" in her research. She, along with 2 other authors, won First Place in Open Paper Competition at BEA 2014 for their quantitative paper analysis, "Diversity from Duopolies?: An Exploratory Analysis of Broadcast News Content in Small Television Markets with Virtual Duopolies sought to shed light on the often uncovered phenomenon of shared service agreements in American Television markets. The next year, Collins took home First Place in Open Paper Competition at BEA 2015 as a sole author for her mixed methodology paper, "From the Classroom to the Newsroom: Are we training them to be Leaders?" Her published article from this research can be found in the Journalism & Mass Communication Educator Journal titled, "Leadership development in college newsroom labs: It is transactional," can be read here and has been cited in various articles such as this one. Collins also has a passion for Theory and enjoys teaching classes focused on the Theoretical Approach and Assessment of a particular subject or phenomena. As a Scholar and Social Scientist, in addition to all forms of media, Collins is well versed in psychology, sociology and philosophy and draws from all of the various lenses when approaching her studies.
Collins was a member of a Multimedia Workshop Campaign held in Guyana, South America and led a workshop on journalism and ethics in Sierra Leone, West Africa. In her research as well as creative endeavors, she offers metacognitive elements that act as primers to opening up discussions of Leadership Development, De-Marginalization and Empowerment in regards to gender, race and identity constructions and socialization processes. In a timely-fashion, she is currently working on a book that focuses on how to process engagements in the classroom that are empowering for, both, the professor and the student called, "Teaching without Borders with Active Centralized Empowerment Classroom."
She is President of The African International Documentary Festival Foundation (AFIDFF) and Chair of The African International Documentary Festival, premier organizations founded on the ideals of discovering and promoting stories from young, talented, under privileged/represented journalists and documentary producers to global prominence. Based in Abuja, Nigeria, she has led multimedia workshops for aspiring journalists and media messengers as well as professional and community focused companies that work on programs of sustainability and developments.
The community focus of Active Centralized Empowerment (A.C.E.) is a groundbreaking, game-changing paradigm and module that has the Transformational potential. Collins poses that A.C.E. has the potential to change how you view yourself, consequently, how Others view and interact with you as well, individually or as a collective power structure. This paradigm dictates freedom of movement by individuals and aggregates who find themselves on the margins to the core of power and focus. This process occurs as direct attention addresses the Systems of Tangible Oppression and Ideological Apparatus of Oppression, simultaneously. This includes, for example, professors who feel marginalized because Technology has appeared to take over, or women who feel oppressed, or anyone of any race, ethnicity, socioeconomic level, or sexual orientation who simply feel powerless. A.C.E.’s design is holistic in nature using analyses of research data of mixed methodologies with a central focus that covers themes of physical, structural, and social-psychological processes on a meta-cognitive level. Collins' arguments take into consideration Critical Race Theory, the Framing Theory, Hegemony, Cooley’s Looking Glass Self, Situated Knowledge and Self, location and construct of Self, Dr. Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligence and the demographics of Message Designers. Special attention is also given to real-life experience that provides an Existentialist argument and perspective. This, being heuristic in its approach, in the classroom, allows students to focus on their experiences and critical thinking development, rather than solely their "grade." More on my research with samples...
Click on the Young Lady to Visit the A.C.E. Website!